The Fate of Odysseus/Судьба Одиссея

Translated by Noa Fay, Barnard College. Written by Konstantin Nikolaevich Batiushkov.

Odysseus and Nausicaa by Valentin Serov, Wikimedia Commons

Through terrors of land and terrors of the deep Seeking his Ithaca was a wayfarer, 

Forlorn and piteous 

‘Twas the reverent and woeful Odysseus. 

With valiant step he pierced Hades’ brooding dark. 

Neither the roar of fearsome Charybdis, 

Nor Scylla’s submerged howls 

Wrought from him the faintest remark. 

His patience withstood cruel and cunning fate, it seemed, 

So to the dregs he drained his cup of sorrow, Leaving it void and clean: 

Perhaps the heavens had tired of trying him so, For they lulled him into a slumber, 

Tender and slow. 

To that glorious, long-yearned for home He was at last awakened 

By an outstretched hand 

But he was met with nothingness. 

What, then? He knew naught of this land.

Средь ужасов земли и ужасов морей

Блуждая, бедствуя, искал своей

Итаки Богобоязненный страдалец Одиссей; 

Стопой бестрепетной сходил Аида в мраки;

Харибды яростной, подводной Сциллы стон 

Не потрясли души высокой. 

Казалось, победил терпеньем рок жестокой 

И чашу горести до капли выпил он:

Казалось, небеса карать его устали,

И тихо сонного домчали 

До милых родины давно желанных скал.

Проснулся он: и что ж? отчизны не познал.


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